Features to help your clients do
more VRET
The Clinician Portal is your number one tool in providing real-time patient monitoring, session controls, progress tracking, and VR environments.

Get a user friendly, all-inclusive solution designed with everyday people in mind

Set up your clients in the portal
Build their personalized treatment programs. They can view it:
in-clinic, using your Oculus/ Meta Quest, or
at home with their smartphone and the oVRcome headset.

The Industry’s largest VR library of real-life footage
Get access to our full library. We’ll notify you when new environments are added.

Get a clear overview of your clients' activity
View insights on the time spent on your clients' exposure therapy, and monitor changes in anxiety levels.

Our growing VR Library
14 phobia categories, nearly 1000 environments, and counting!
Getting Started

Sign up to get access to the Clinician Portal

Add your first smartphone client for free. We'll send them a free VR headset (for smartphones) and sponsor a one-month subscription. Want to test it first? Add yourself as the first client.

Build treatment programs, then monitor and track client progress through the Clinician Portal.

Have your own Oculus/ Meta Quest? Make the most of our 14-day trial and upgrade to use oVRcome in-clinic with an unlimited number of clients.