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Liam Tracey
Oct 5, 20213 min read
Equitable access for fear of needles treatment
When vaccine rollouts are central to government strategies, are there equitable outcomes when it comes to treatments for a fear of needles?

Liam Tracey
Aug 26, 20213 min read
Worse than anything: Why are we terrified of public speaking?
Read on to find out some of the reasons why we fear talking in front of an audience.

Liam Tracey
Aug 24, 20213 min read
Combating vaccine hesitancy
What are the 5Cs which will help understand those who are unsure of being vaccinated?

Liam Tracey
Aug 22, 20213 min read
5 facts to reduce vaccine hesitancy
Now seen as a barrier to successful vaccine rollouts, hesitancy needs to be addressed.

Liam Tracey
Aug 20, 20213 min read
Covid-19 and vaccine hesitancy
A new study sheds some light on what is influencing the slow up take of the Covid vaccine.

Adam Hutchinson
Aug 17, 20214 min read
Where does a fear of public speaking come from?
Where does a fear of public speaking come from? Kate Maxwell looks at reasons why our voice might shake when we stand up in front of a crowd

Adam Hutchinson
Aug 3, 20213 min read
Creepy Crawlies or just Creepy?
Creepy crawly and good to have around, or just plain creepy? Kate Maxwell looks at some of the benefits to having spiders around our homes.

Adam Hutchinson
Jul 24, 20214 min read
Spider Myths: Factor or Scare Factor?
Designed to scare us or actually based on truth? Kate Maxwell looks into some of the common myths surrounding spiders.

Liam Tracey
May 18, 20213 min read
How to get through the Covid vaccine
As the vaccine rollout continues across the globe, there are a few things that can help you get through the injection process.

Liam Tracey
Apr 22, 20213 min read
Busting the myths around phobias
There is so much information out there, it can be hard to know what is true or not. Here are some of the classic myths put to bed.

Liam Tracey
Feb 16, 20214 min read
Why do we fear public speaking?
Understanding what is at the root can help us to overcome a phobia. This couldn’t be more true for glossophobia.

Liam Tracey
Feb 9, 20213 min read
The impact of glossophobia
The unfair reality that fearing public speaking has a greater impact that needs to be discussed.

Liam Tracey
Jan 25, 20213 min read
The vaccine rollout
2021 may forever live in the memory as the year of vaccine rollouts. But what about those myths flying around and those with needle phobia?

Liam Tracey
Dec 6, 20203 min read
New Zealand and the Covid Vaccine
After the UK’s bold move to go first, what is the plan for New Zealand’s vaccine approach?

Adam Hutchinson
Dec 1, 20204 min read
Living with a fear of needles - an inside look
Each and every one of us is scared of something. Whether it’s the dark, spiders, heights or clowns – each fear is unique to us and...

Liam Tracey
Dec 1, 20203 min read
How fear can make things worse
There is evidence to suggest that fear can create a change in our perfection. Have a read of how it does just that.

Liam Tracey
Nov 29, 20203 min read
Are you glossophobic?
Fear public speaking? Liam takes a look at some of the key indicators for this phobia.

Liam Tracey
Nov 25, 20203 min read
Pfizer's Covid Cure
Pfizer's announcement about their potential vaccine is encouraging. What about those with needle fear?

Liam Tracey
Nov 18, 20203 min read
5 things I learnt from having blood taken
I recently had a health check, and that meant facing needles. Here is what I took from the experience.

Liam Tracey
Nov 15, 20203 min read
Fearing public speaking?
Liam takes a look at what glossophobia is and how it affects us.
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