Flying, for many, is a symbol of freedom and adventure, a means to explore new destinations and cultures. However, for some people, the mere thought of boarding an airplane can evoke feelings of intense fear and anxiety.
This fear, known as aerophobia or aviophobia, can significantly impact your ability to travel and enjoy the benefits of modern air transportation. Rather than freedom, flying comes to represent fear.
Fear of flying can be a complex phobia, caused and exacerbated by other fears. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of aerophobia, including its definition, symptoms, underlying causes, and effective treatment options aimed at helping individuals overcome their fear of flying.

What is Aerophobia?
Aerophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an irrational and debilitating fear of flying. While many people experience some level of nervousness or apprehension when it comes to air travel, aerophobia goes beyond typical pre-flight jitters. People with aerophobia experience overwhelming anxiety or panic at the mere thought of flying or being inside an airplane.
This fear can manifest in various ways, ranging from invisible discomfort to full-blown panic attacks, and can significantly disrupt an individual's personal and professional life.
With aerophobia, you may not be able to travel for holidays or to visit family living on other continents. You may miss out on valuable professional experiences, such as conferences abroad. And there’s a general, lurking fear that you may be invited, or required, to fly.
But many people are nervous about flying. So let’s find out what turns the fear of flying into a full-blown phobia.
Aerophobia Symptoms
The symptoms of aerophobia can vary widely from person to person but often include a combination of physical, emotional, and behavioral manifestations. Some common symptoms of aerophobia include:
Intense anxiety or panic attacks, triggered by the thought of flying or being inside an airplane.
Physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, or dizziness.
Avoidance behaviors, such as refusing to book flights, canceling travel plans, or going to great lengths to avoid air travel altogether.
Difficulty concentrating or focusing on anything other than the fear of flying.
Irrational thoughts or beliefs about the dangers of flying, despite evidence to the contrary.
Feeling a sense of impending doom or loss of control while inside an airplane.
Hyperventilation or a racing heart rate during flights.
It's important to note that these symptoms can vary in intensity and may be influenced by individual factors such as past experiences, personal beliefs, and underlying mental health conditions.
Aerophobia Causes
The root causes of aerophobia can be complex and multifaceted, often stemming from a combination of psychological, physiological, and environmental factors. Some common factors that may contribute to the development of aerophobia include:
Traumatic experiences: Individuals who have experienced traumatic events related to flying, such as turbulence, emergency landings, or witnessing aviation accidents, may develop a heightened fear response to flying.
Fear of loss of control:Â Flying requires individuals to relinquish control and trust in the expertise of the pilot and crew, which can be challenging for those who prefer to feel in control of their surroundings.
Cognitive biases:Â Certain cognitive biases, such as catastrophizing or overestimating the likelihood of negative outcomes, can contribute to the development of aerophobia.
Social learning:Â Individuals may develop aerophobia through observation or learning from others who exhibit similar fears or anxieties about flying. For example, if you had a parent who was excessively afraid of flying, you could acquire similar feelings from growing up in that environment.
It's essential to recognize that aerophobia is a complex and deeply ingrained fear that may have origins in childhood experiences, learned behaviors, or even genetic predispositions. Identifying the underlying causes of aerophobia can help when developing effective treatment strategies and helping individuals overcome their fear of flying.
Related Conditions
Other phobias can cause, contribute to, and exacerbate aerophobia.
Claustrophobia: The confined space of an airplane cabin can trigger feelings of claustrophobia, or a fear of enclosed spaces, in some individuals.
Fear of heights:Â Aerophobia may also be linked to acrophobia, or a fear of heights, as the prospect of being thousands of feet above the ground can be distressing for some individuals.
Social anxiety disorder: Fear and anxiety caused by public spaces can make flying a particularly stressful experience and contribute to aerophobia.
Germ phobia: An extreme fear of germs, known as mysophobia, can contribute to aerophobia because the contained atmosphere of an airplane is perceived as unclean.
If you’re not sure where your fears and phobias start, take our free phobia test today.
How Can You Treat Aerophobia?
Fortunately, aerophobia is a treatable condition, and there are various therapeutic approaches and coping strategies available to help individuals manage and overcome their fear of flying. Some common treatment options for aerophobia include:
Relaxation techniques:Â Learning relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation can help individuals manage anxiety symptoms during flights. Practicing these techniques regularly can help reduce overall anxiety levels and increase feelings of calmness and relaxation.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is considered the gold standard treatment for specific phobias such as aerophobia. This therapeutic approach focuses on identifying and challenging irrational thoughts and beliefs about flying, replacing them with more rational and adaptive ones. CBT is often paired with exposure therapy, where individuals gradually confront their fear of flying in a controlled and supportive environment, helping them build confidence and resilience over time.
Desensitization exercises: Gradual exposure to flying-related stimuli, such as watching videos of flights, visiting airports, or taking short flights, can help desensitize individuals to their fear of flying over time. By gradually exposing themselves to feared situations in a systematic and controlled manner, individuals can learn to tolerate and eventually overcome their fear responses.
oVRcome’s virtual reality therapy: Our app-based virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is a novel approach to treating aerophobia that involves using immersive virtual environments to simulate flying experiences. These take place in a safe and controlled setting and has been described as empowering by our users.
By exposing individuals to virtual flights and teaching them coping skills and relaxation techniques, our VR therapy can help individuals gradually confront and overcome their fear of flying in a supportive and controlled environment.
Medication:Â In some cases, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety medications or beta-blockers to help manage symptoms of anxiety during flights. While medication can help alleviate acute anxiety symptoms, it is typically used in conjunction with therapy and other coping strategies and is not considered a standalone treatment for aerophobia.
Wrapping Up
Statistically speaking, your chances of being in an air crash are 1 in 11 million. That makes flying a safer activity than driving or climbing a ladder, and you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than be in an aviation accident. However, these facts can’t penetrate aerophobia, which is overwhelming and irrational.
However, with the right support, guidance, and treatment, it is possible to overcome aerophobia and reclaim the freedom and joy of air travel. Through cognitive-behavioral therapy and virtual reality therapy, there are proven options available to help individuals manage and overcome their fear of flying.
If you struggle with aerophobia, try oVRcome’s VRET treatment program today. You can tackle your fears one step at a time, in the comfort and safety of your own home. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available to help you overcome your fear and live life to the fullest.